Discover the Economic Value of Physical Therapy in the U.S.
In today's health care system, patients need to be well informed when making health care
choices, especially regarding costs and value of health care services.
A new report, “The Economic Value of Physical Therapy in the United States,” makes a
compelling case for improved patient access to and coverage of physical therapist services.
The report calculated the net benefits to patients and the U.S. health care system of
choosing physical therapy over alternative treatments and underscores the high-value,
lower-cost interventions physical therapy offers patients and the health care system.
State legislators and commercial payers should consider the insights provided in this report
to support access to, coverage of, and payment for physical therapist services.
Policies that help patients, employers, and payers realize the economic value of physical
therapy will produce benefits that improve lives and reduce costs to the health care system.
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